Seminar with Members of “Patani Yerkrapah” Clubs
On the 17th of April the Bible Society of Armenia held a meeting with members of “Patani Yerkrapah” Clubs from 48 schools of Etchmiadzin region. The meeting was held in the City hall. His Eminence Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan, the General Secretary of the BS of Armenia had an opening speech. BS of Armenia employees Arshavir Kapoudjian and Marianna Apresyan held a Bible seminar with the participants. At the end of the meeting Bible Quiz questionnaires were distributed to their teachers to get ready for the Bible Quiz to be held on the 1st of May.
Read moreThe closing meeting of ''Moving gospel'' 1st phase, 2019
We reached to the closing period of the project ''Moving Gospel'' in 4 villages. We paid 12 visits in every village and discussed different topics, based on the ''Moving Gospel'' booklet, which was specially published and distributed to all participants....
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The Visit of Translation Projects Representatives of the United Bible Societies to the Bible Society of Armenia
On the 5-7th of March, the BS of Armenia welcomed Dr Marina Lomova, Translation Project Management Coordinator (UBS Global Mission Team) and Dr Marijke De Lang, Global Translation Advisor (UBS Global Mission Team). The visit aimed at getting closer acquaintance with the BS of Armenia translation projects. On the 6th of March, accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan, the General Secretary of the BS of Armenia, and by staff members, they visited the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and were received by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. His Holiness highlighted the UBS mission to translate and distribute the Bible, welcomed the long-term collaboration between the UBS and the Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as the BS of Armenia translations and other projects that offer an opportunity for Armenians to get acquainted with the Bible and enrich their Scripture knowledge. The General Secretary of the BS of Armenia and the UBS representatives spoke about current translation projects. After receiving blessing by His Holiness and expressing their gratitude, the guests visited the Treasury Museum of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. This was followed by a visit to Karekin I Centre of Theology and Armenology where a training was held with a group of 20 priests for the future work of the BS of Armenia projects in provinces. On the 7th of March, a meeting was held with the working group of “Common New Testament” project (UBS 71166). The project aims at producing New Testament accepted by the three historical Churches of Armenia (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant). The working procedure of translators and the Church Committee (consisting of three Churches representatives) was introduced to Dr Marina Lomova and Dr Marijke De Lang, and they took part in the discussions related to the translation of Acts. Bilateral meetings touched on the BS of Armenia current and future translation projects, including “Study Bible: Old Testament”, “Youth Bible”, “Family Bible”, “Contemporary Language Translation”. The UBS representatives got to know more of other BS of Armenia projects as well and expressed their admiration about their scope and diversity During the three day visit the UBS representatives visited also Khor Virap Monastery (the place where the history of adopting Christianity as official religion in Armenia (301) begins), Matenadaran (repository of about 23,000 ancient manuscripts) and Pantheon after Komitas.
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Training Teachers of Armenian Church History in Vedi City
On the 5th of May “The World of the Bible” project was launched in Vedi city, aimed at training teachers of “Armenian Church History” subject. The project is run by the Bible Society of Armenia in cooperation with the Primacy of Araratian Pontifical Diocese and the Christian Education Centre of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The project in this period is intended for teachers of Ararat Province. The first meeting of 18 teachers of the region was held in the conference hall of the cultural centre of the city. Varouzhan Barsegyan, the mayor of Vedi, was present in the meeting. Highly appreciating the event, he noted it was a desired environment for him, as well as an honour. He referred to the meeting as a useful event for the region. In his opening speech His Eminence Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan, the General Secretary of the BS of Armenia, introduced the project to the teachers. He spoke about issues related to the translation and publication of the Armenian Bible, as well as about peculiarities of our two texts, yet in particular, about semantic unity in spite of many differences of the texts. Following his speech, Archbishop Petrosyan gave the mayor Narek Prayerbook as a gift, in appreciation of his support to the project. After a short break Mrs. Marianna Apresyan, in charge of “Children’s Ministry” project, provided a detailed introduction of the Bible Quiz to be held in the province between the schools of the province, followed by competition with schools of other provinces. She introduced the format of the competition and other details. At the end of the meeting teachers received five volumes of Bible literature and treasuries prepared for the first stage of the Bible Quiz. The project comprising eight lectures will be implemented in parallel in Ararat city for the public school teachers of that region.
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Training Teachers of Armenian Church History
On the 12th of February “The World of the Bible” project was launched in Masis city, aimed at training teachers of “Armenian Church History” subject. The project is run by the Bible Society of Armenia in cooperation with the Primacy of Araratian Pontifical Diocese and the Christian Education Centre of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. The project in this period is intended for teachers of Ararat Province. 38 teachers of the region first participated in the Vespers. Afterwards Arshavir Kapoudjian, the Projects Director, invited Proto-Archimandrite Zakaria Baghumyan, the Director of the Christian Education Centre of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to address his speech to the gathered. In his opening speech His Eminence Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan, the General Secretary of the BS of Armenia, introduced the project to the teachers. He talked about issues related to the translation and publication of the Armenian Bible, as well as about peculiarities of our two texts, yet in particular, about semantic unity in spite of many differences of the texts. After a short break Mrs. Marianna Apresyan, in charge of “Children’s Ministry” project, provided a detailed introduction of the Bible Quiz to be held in the province between the schools of the province, followed by competition with schools of other provinces. She introduced the format of the competition and other details.
Read moreThe closing ceremony of training seminars for teachers
In November 13, 2018 The Bible Society of Armenia together with the Christian Education Center of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin has launched a series of seminars at the BS Bookshop for the teachers,...
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Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)
The Bible Society of Armenia, in collaboration with “Faith Comes By Hearing” (FCBH), an international audio Bible recording company, and Shoghakat TV company, carries out the “Audio Bible” project. The recording of the New Testament (Eastern Armenian New Revision, “Etchmiadzin” translation, 2017) was completed.
Read moreTraining seminars for teachers
In November 13, 2018 The Bible Society of Armenia together with the Christian Education Center of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin has launched a series of seminars at the BS Bookshop for the teachers,...
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The Gospel of Luke in Sign Language in the Digital Bible Library
The video of the Gospel of Luke in Armenian sign language was uploaded to the Digital Bible Library (DBL) by the joint efforts of Elbert Boot, Emma Canales, Mark Howe from the DBL team. The new uploader called Nathaniel was used, a brand new tool developed for the DBL. The size of the Gospel of Luke in Armenian sign language is 23 Gigabite. A regular upload with the regular uploader would take 48 hours. With Nathaniel and with the fastest internet fiberglass connection it took only 46 minutes. During 2017-2018 the New Etchmiadzin Bible (2017), the New Ararat Bible (2018) and Classical Armenian Bible (1895) were uploaded to the DBL. The Digital Bible Library is an online digital asset and licensing management platform developed and maintained by the United Bible Societies (UBS). DBL gathers, validates, and safeguards a large collection of quality, standardized, digital Scripture texts (including Bibles, New Testaments, as well as Audio and Braille Bibles and New Testaments, Study Bibles, sign language videos) in different languages. DBL enables the secure licensing and distribution of these resources to approved internal or external ministry partners, such as YouVersion, BibleSearch, FCBH, Compass Braille and others.
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Glorification of Light
It is fair and right that in life we glorify such powers that are above, beyond us, and we realize that our life relies on them. Quite often that glorification is connected with our desires, especially when being beyond, they seem far to us. This desire comes also by reason and thought of our wish, that we want, that is, we didn’t have or we have lost. The international day of the blind was celebrated by words and songs of glorification of light at Yerevan № 14 School for the visually impaired. The event was also marked as the launch of newly published Braille textbooks. The note “To the Light” on the pupils’ uniforms was symbolic. Their songs and words were only about light: “to the star of my dream,” “to the light-letters,” “if only your hope does not fade,” “keep it unfading”… “Today I brought you a ray of the light you glorify, two Bible books in Braille - Exodus and Innocent Shushan, to illuminate your inner world, to bring divine light to your thoughts,” said the Projects Director of the BS of Armenia, who participated in the event.
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The Soldier’s Chapel
In the posts where soldiers carry out their mission, highly significant are those small holes from where HE controls every dangerous step and movement. It is the window of vigilance and soberness that horizontally watches everything. The mighty hands and bright thoughts of Armenian soldiers open up also a vertical window from where God’s eye controls them. You look up from those holes to talk to the Almighty. A week ago I was present in the blessing ceremony of one of those chapels, with Father Abel and military chaplain, deacon Samvel. The place was so small that my thought was, it would be easy for me to be inside but difficult for Father Abel. That very day, though, I was more than convinced that the sizes of a chapel do not matter for getting in… Suddenly I saw how the giant priest intermingled with the narrow construction much smaller than himself. The sky from the window opened by Armenian soldiers was magnificent. It simply invites you to raise your eyes to the light and pray, pray for everybody. There is a lot in the words of Father Abel to ponder on: “There are many things in this life to fulfill, that cannot be settled without humility. When we enter a chapel, we bow. We bow, when we meet each other. I want you to properly understand the meaning of humility. A human being also is a chapel where God resides. To enter the human souls one needs to bow, to be humble. Only the humble soul can have room in human souls. The model of humility was given to us by Jesus. The soldier knows the most the meaning of humility. You are powerful because you know how to bow.”
Read moreGive me hope for new life
In 26-30 October, the Bible Society of Armenia participated in project "Give Me Hope For New Life", organized by “Christian Women Forum” NGO in Armenia and Fellowship of the Least Coin Fund, dedicated to Iraqi-Armenian and Syrian-Armenian migrant women. The project participants were hosted by the Armenian Missionary Association of America, in "Shin Shogik" camp,...
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